Voice of the Child Report Guidelines 2015
Compilation of Materials for Families
Department of Justice – Family Law
Department of Justice – Child Support Tables
Elder Mediation information (English / French)
Fact Sheets are available on a number of topics related to the Divorce Act amendments. These resources are available in a printable format. Topics include:
- Parenting arrangements after separation or divorce
- Duties for parents and others
- A Child’s Views and Preferences
- Moving after separation or divorce?
- Divorce and Family Violence*
- Family dispute resolution: resolving family law issues out of court*
*New* These two facts sheets are now available in 12 additional languages at: Publications (
Godfrey, David, JD. (January 2023) The Future of Law and Aging Bifocal Journal Vol. 44 Issue 3
Gardiner, Paul, Byrne, Gerard, Mitchell, Leander & Pachan, Nancy (2015). Financial capacity in older adults: a growing concern for clinicians.
Gleckman, Howard (December 7, 2011). Occupy Elder Care: Why Caregivers are Bad Advocates. Forbes Magazine.
Hamilton Jack & Seaman, Elizabeth (2000). Between Aging Parents and Adult Children.
Harnett, Helen (2016). EMIN: The Quality Mark in Elder Mediation. Journal Perspektive Mediation 1-16
Judy McCann-Beranger Exploring the Role of Elder Mediation in the Prevention of Elder Abuse – Final Report… Ministry of the Attorney General of Canada 2012; Date modified:2021
McCann-Beranger, Judy (2010). Elder Mediation—Changing the Face of Senior Healthcare. Mediators’ Institute of Ireland, Bulletin (Feb/2010).
Skinner, Alexandria (2010). An Introduction to Elder Mediation, or Mediation in Elder Law Cases.
Van Twisk W. (2010). Elder Mediation: The New Crisis Counseling.