
Awarded to an FMC Member who has made a substantial and exceptional contribution to Dispute Resolution and/or Family Mediation over a number of years.

Awards of Excellence
Awards of Excellence in:
- Government
- Education/Training
- Research or Practice
Awarded to an FMC Member who has achieved excellence in one of these area, through innovation, exceptional leadership, risk-taking or other accomplishments. Nominees may be associated with a special event, unique project development, research, public education or personal and/or group practice.
Contact us for a nomination form and send it in with all other necessary documents so that your nominee may be considered.
In order to be eligible for an Award of Excellence nomination, a nominee must be an FMC member in good standing and must be nominated by two members in good standing.

Daniel L. Hamoline QC Bursary / Scholarship
The Daniel L. Hamoline Bursary Fund was created by Family Mediation Canada (FMC) to honor and celebrate the life of Daniel L. Hamoline, Q.C.
A dedicated member of FMC and its certification program, Daniel was one of North America’s most distinguished family mediators. He was deeply committed to promoting understanding in family mediation, with a particular focus on the impact of domestic violence. As a practitioner and educator, Daniel generously shared his wisdom, humor, honesty, compassion, and creativity, profoundly enriching the family mediation community.
The Daniel L. Hamoline Bursary recognizes an FMC member who upholds high standards in family mediation. Candidate must be committed to and have demonstrated an interest in achieving and promoting FMC certification in one of its streams. It is awarded every two years and carries a value of $1,000. To be eligible, nominees must be supported by two FMC members.
FMC is the leading body providing professional training and certifications for practitioners of family mediation in Canada
Long reaching and long lasting benefits.